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Palm Sunday in Fuengirola

Sunday the 9th is Palm Sunday, the official start of Holy Week. As it is the first day of this very special week many religious events will take place all over Spain.

As every year in Fuengirola we will celebrate this day by carrying in procession what is considered as the most beautiful, most modest and nicest throne of all.

The image taken out in procession is quite new, as it was created by young sculptor Alvaro Abrines in 2014,and two of its most outstanding features are the peacefulness in Jesus eyes and the presence of a snail on its base.

This throne is known as “La Pollinica” as one of its figures is a very young donkey which in Spanish is known as a “pollino”. This donkey accompanies the figure of Jesus as the Bible states that he entered Jerusalem on a donkey.

Apart from the figures of Jesus and the donkey the throne also gets decorated with a palm trees and a wide variety of beautiful flowers.

If you have never experienced Holy Week in Spain, or if you have and loved it, Hotel Yaramar recommends you not to miss this beautiful procession that will take place on Sunday from midday till about 3:00 P.M and that will pass through the main streets of Fuengirola city centre.

Are you ready for a beautiful Spanish Holy Week?

Beatriz Muñoz

Guest Relations