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Kazunori Yamauchi

Does the name Kazunori Yamauchi sound familiar to you? It possibly doesn’t, but you might get a bit curious if we tell you one of the most famous promenades in Ronda is named after him.

Kazunori Yamauchi is a Japanese videogame designer and professional driver who is also the producer of “Gran Turismo”, the world famous racing videogame.

In December 2013 “Gran Turismo 6” got launched. This is the last game of this popular saga and Spain was one of the countries featured on it.

Because of this and because Ronda is one of the circuits that appear on it, this beautiful hillside town in Costa del Sol was the place chosen to host the worldwide launch for this amazing videogame.

It seems Mr. Yamauchi really loves Ronda as he visited it when he was only a youngster and after that he has come back many other times.

He had always fantasized about featuring it in one of his racing games, so as this materialised in “Gran Turismo 6” the town of Ronda, as a thank you, decided to name after him one of the most famous and most beautiful promenades in Andalusia.

We know here on the blog of Hotel Yaramar, your hotel in Fuengirola, we have been talking quite a lot about Ronda lately, but who could blame us? We are of the same opinion as Mr. Yamauchi… Ronda is real beauty!

Beatriz Muñoz

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